Thursday 28 January 2016

Matcha pistachio cupcakes

I attended a chanoyu (茶の湯 or Japanese tea ceremony) a couple of weeks ago at House of Tea. While not a lover of ceremonial preparations and presentations per se, I have been interested in matcha and its culinary application for some time now. 

Last November, I made a loaf of matcha pistachio bread (recipe and pictures to follow). It was quite a success. This time, adapting a recipe from Wheat Belly 30-Minute (Or Less!) Cookbook, I made a batch of matcha pistachio cupcakes complete with frosting, which Husband helped to pipe! 
Matcha pistachio cupakes

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Baked Mediterranean salmon

Dinner on 15 January 2016 was a darn of baked Mediterranean salmon, half of a spicy roasted whole cauliflower, and peppers stuffed with cheese.

Monday 18 January 2016

Daikon cake 蘿蔔糕 (1)

I've been on a daikon roll for a couple of months now. And seeing as the lunar new year is just around the corner, I decided to try making daikon cake, an item commonly eaten at home during the celebrations. This is my first attempt.
Steamed daikon cake